Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How To Make Money With Banner Advertising On Your Website80s Fancy Dress tips

Internet sales gurus are likely to change their minds frequently on the usefulness of banner ads all the while small business owners are bringing in incredibly good money with this advertising method. And, it is still a reputable way to make money on your blog or website. Here are 3 common ideas on how to make money with banner advertising on your website.

1) Sell Ad Space

One of the easiest ways to make money with banner advertising on your website is to sell ad space. The prices you charge will lean mostly on the amount of traffic you have and the extent of the web space. Even if you do not possess a tremendous quantity of traffic just yet, it may still be a good idea to install banner ads on your web site so that when your traffic volume builds up you will not have to revamp your website or blog to make room for ads, which brings us to the #2 way to prosper with banner advertising.

2) Affiliate Advertisements

If you decide on eventually selling off ad space at your website you could make positive use of the space having banner ads for affiliate products or services. You can take part in an affiliate network and join to represent applicable and related businesses on your web site. The affiliate networks will provide the banner link code for you and all you have to do is put it on your web page. You 'll make a commission every time anybody clicks through from your advertisement to the affiliate company and buys an item.

3) Banner Networks

A banner network is the next popular preference to make extra cash on your web site with banner adverts. They function by introducing a middleman, or middle woman, so to speak who puts related banner ads on your website in a pre-determined space. They market banner ads to advertisers and pay you some of that money for exposing the adverts on your web site. You are not getting compensated per click or per transaction but instead for space upon your website and you do not have to go through the inconvenience of selling ad space yourself, someone else will do it for you.

With any banner advertising setup you will want to make sure the position of your banner advertisements is visible enough that folks will want to spend money with you to place their offer. You will likewise want to make sure they look superb on your web site, lined up and in proportion to each other. And you 'll have to be sure if you are offering promotional space on your web site that there is an information link that's simple to find. Proceed to develop and increase your site traffic and you can enlarge your ad rates.

Banner advertising campaigns are still a marvelous way to promote a product or service and they're a superb way for website or blog managers to make money online with their websites.

If you take a look at the music industry's fashion of the 1980s it will give you plenty of pointers for your 80s fancy dress. 

Fashion of the 80s moved on from the 1970's by transforming the outrageous harsh Punk styles into softer, friendlier high street clothing.  Materials were mixed up. Madonna softened the punk style with a softer and sexier look of nets, gloves and chiffon.  Silk and harsh netting created the eighties glam look.

Jewellery - Chains, studs, several earrings worn in one ear, big hair, multi-coloured hair, bold nail varnish and large amounts of jewellery were all 80s fashion trends. 

Coloured Hair spray -Non–permanent spray-on hair dye was used in bright or florescent colours of pinks, reds, plum, greens and blues. Spray it on to match your outfit and then wash it out straight away ready for the next colour.  

Body shape - Health and fitness were the rage and took over from skinny.  It was fashionable to have a body shape and keep it in shape.  The eighties gave us the workout video (and also beta!!)and many TV and film stars produced their own exercise regime for the screen.  Headbands became a fashion item after Olivia Newton John released her ‘Lets get physical' video.   If you can carry off the Olivia Newton John outfit of headband, lycra pants and top, with acrylic leg warmers then go for an  80s fancy dress to stun them all!  It's a fun look and who knows may start you off an exercise regime!! 

Jeans – People still remember the Levi jean advert in 1985 when Nick Kamen stripped off his 501's in the launderette.  This Levi jean advert helped promote the blue jeans and we all started spending over £20 for our jeans!
A pair of Levis with trainers can be a very easy 80s fancy dress if you want to keep your outfit low key.  Ladies can top it off with a soft ruffled blouse romantic style and the men can wear the Miami Vice no collar style shirt and sneakers.

New Romantics -The New Romantic look that was styled by Vivienne Westwood used frills for a softer look. Princess Diana, Duran Duran and Adam Ant often wore new romantics.  This moved on to become the pirate look of the 80s fashion. The men wore waistbands, cummerbunds and jackets with velvet lapels.

The 1980s fashion cover a wide range of outfits.  All you have to do is decide what you costume want wear. Madonna, Adam Ant, Jeans and sneakers or Olivia Newton John, they're all fun and will look fabulous.

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