Wednesday, February 29, 2012

, , , Leather flowers of Thailand- A floral tribute

The symbolic meaning of flowers can differ from culture to culture. The meaning can change, not only with the flower but also with the color of the flower. In Thailand, there are many differences in the symbolism of flowers to that of other countries. Take roses, for example. In Thai culture, while a red rose is symbolic of love and romance, the meaning of a yellow rose is more aligned with that of platonic love and friendship. Daisies are symbols of friendship and the hope for happiness. And while western countries often use white flowers at a wedding, Thais will use them at a funeral. Thai people visit their Buddhist temples regularly, and take flowers with them as a symbol of devotion and an offering to the Buddha. Many colored flowers are used, but yellow flowers are very popular on these occasions; flowers such as Chysanthemum, Rose, Marigold Yellow, or golden yellow is a color you will often see at Thai Buddhist temples, including the saffron colored robes of the monks. And flowers are used as a symbol of spiritual growth.

Some flowers have double meaning, such as the Gladioli, which can symbolize both sincerity and the desire for a break from a relationship. Peonies can symbolize both shame and a peaceful and happy marriage, and Lilac both love and the absence of love. So it is important to understand the meanings of flowers in Thai society before presenting them to someone. Get it right and you'll make a friend and bring endearment. Get it wrong and you may lose a friend for the duration.

Leather flowers have been made, originally by Thai hill tribes, for centuries. Artisans have passed down the tanning, dying and creative skills from generation to generation. The OTOP scheme (one Tambon, one product) was developed to concentrate such skills in particular areas so workers could network and support each other. OTOP also stimulates self reliance among rural communities and uses the available materials and resources local to the craft producers.

Today, the range of leather flowers made in Thailand is both vast and exquisite. The skills Thai leather workers have developed is a testament to their willingness to study nature, experiment and be creative. Such leather flowers are represented in a variety of ways, such as brooches, necklaces, rings, bracelets, hair pins and ties, earrings and even as adornments for mobile phones. The best of these products are truly magnificent reproductions of nature's beauty, and are available online through some of Thailand's better retailers and wholesalers.

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